Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Near you

Near you, I feel safe
Near you, I need no excuse
Near you, I have no need for words to seek
I never feel insignificant, near you
The cold does not reach my heart, near you
There is no longing
I feel carried by so much love

Near you I feel safe
Near you I feel acceptable
Near you I feel good
Near you I learn to live, I have peace, I have courage

Near you I have hope beyond limit
Near you there is no harm
I need offer no gift, near you
There is so much wisdom
I am carried by so much love

Yet I know not how you feel
I know not what you ask
I know not what you think
Yet I know what you carry inside

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

My Heart

Delicately the finest cobweb hung
zig zag patterns invisible threads spun
to which shiny drops of longing clung
as morn's twilight across open skies strung
my world painted in tiny pictures upside-down
gleaming reflections shimmering as if to drown
amidst shadows of longing cast within my heart

And tiny drops heavily laden
a delicately negotiated burden
for even a trumpeting whisper
their uncertain existence may shorten
and a tiny piece to tear off perhaps
or utterly its fine composure collapse