Thursday, July 2, 2009

As the sun sets

The last bits and pieces of daylight
before the clouded curtain of a long night:
deep reds and purples of a burning chalice
colors of mourning
signaling the end of another day.
As the trees and sky gradually melt and fade
into one another, the last light
takes with it not only our ability to see
but all the bright things of a lazy afternoon.
Dreams and wishes, a day's delight - disappeared,
leaving us alone within the darkness.

The truck arrived with merciless intent. An army marched in knowingly and determined. I watched memories of a life together carried out, one by one. I felt pieces of my heart go along and melt in the clear sunlight before it could make it to the rusty belly of the beast parked in the driveway.

These walls now shared the emptiness in my heart, but I did not notice it … for the crowded suffocating heartache drove me outside. Outside .. outside to the clear sunlight and the crisp cold air as the sun was setting … watching. Watching the truck rev up and disappear into the sunset where it came from … never to return.

The ache in my chest sends its poison through my veins, pulsating … beating a steady rhythm … ignorant to the screaming agony raging through this weathered spirit.
Inevitability is blazing its trumpet of finality. As the sun sets I’m down on my knees, praying for a sunrise.

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